

1)  Sources of identity. Makers, owners and users of music sources before 1600, a cura di L. Colton e T. Shephard, Turnhout, Brepols, 2017, pp. 31, 227, 232, 234-236, 238 |585|   6        
2)  Selections from Bologna, Civico museo bibliografico musicale, MS Q20, a cura di R. Sherr, New York - London, Garland, 1990 (Sixteenth-century motet, 8) [contiene 60 mottetti in edizione moderna] |36|   1        
3)  Census-catalogue of manuscript sources of polyphonic music, 1400-1550, Neuhausen, A.I.M. - Hänssler, I, pp. 74 + IV, p. 278 |72| .   25        
4)  CMME - Computerized Mensural Music Editing |337|   16        
5)  DIAMM - Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music |323|   25        

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