
Record trovati: 3
1    Simpson Christopher  A Compendium of practical musick in five parts. Teaching, by a New, and easy Method, 1° The Rudiments of Song - 2° The Principles of Composition - 3° The Use of Discords - 4° The Form of Figurate Desc... 1678
2    Simpson Christopher  A Compendium: or, Introduction to Practical musick in Five Parts. Teaching, by a New and Easie Method, 1° The Rudiments of Song - 2° The Principles of Composition - 3° The Use of Discords 4° The Form ... 1706
3    Simpson Christopher  Chelys, minuritionum artificio exornata: sive, Minuritiones ad Basin, etiam Ex tempore Modulandi Ratio. In tres partes distributa. Pars I. - Chelyos tractandae Praecepta. Pars II. - Melothesiae Co... 1667
Record trovati: 3
Teoria musicale Musica vocale sacra Musica vocale profana Musica strumentale Libretti

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