Vento Mattia, napolitano
Six Sonatas for The Harpsicord with an Accompanyment for a Violin or German Flute Dedicated to Miss Blosset, Composed by Sig.r Mattia Vento. - London, Printed by the Author, and Sold at M.r Caruso's Music Shop in Conventry Court, Hay Market, s. a. - Di pag. 25, in fol., int. in rame.
Bertoni Ferdinando
Six Quartetto's for Two Violins, a Tenor, and Violoncello. Respectfully Dedicated to William Beckford Esq.r by Ferdinando Bertoni. - London, Printed for the Author N. 8 Great Marybone Street where the...
Basevi Giacobbe, detto Cervetto
Six Sonatas or Trios for three Violoncellos or two Violins and a Bass, dedicated to Signora Leonora Saluadori, compos'd by Giacob Baseui detto Ceruetto. - Printed for the Author, s. a. - Parti separate, senza partitura, in fol., inc. in rame. {Violino primo, Violino secondo e Basso}
Nonnini Girolamo
Six Italian Canzonets, for a Single Voice Which may be Accompanied either by the Harpischord, Guitar, Harp or Mandolin, Composed and Dedicated to M.rs Johnstone, at Kensington Gore by Girolamo Nonnini...
Händel Giorgio Federico
Suites de piéces pour le clavecin composées par G. F. Handel. - London, printed for the author, s. a. - Tom. 2, il primo di pag. 94, il secondo di pag. 83, in fol. obl., int. in rame.
Geminiani Francesco
Piéces de clavecin tirèes des differens Ouvrages de M.r F. Geminiani adaptèes par lui même a cet instrument. - Londres, Johnson, 1743.
[The second collection of pieces for the harpsichord. Taken fro...
Clementi Muzio
Three sonatas for the Piano Forte with an accompanyment obligato for a Violin: dédiées à Mademoiselle Marie Victoire Imbert Colomés de Lyon by Muzio Clementi. Opera XV. - London, printed for the Author. - Di pag. 36, in fol.
Ferrari Giacomo Gotifredo di Roveredo
Aneddoti piacevoli e interessanti accorsi nella vita di Giacomo Gotifredo Ferrari da Roveredo, operetta scritta da lui medesimo, e dedicata col dovuto permesso a Sua Maestà Giorgio IV re della Gran Bretagna. Londra, presso l'autore, 1830, vol. 2, in 12°.