
Record trovati: 3
1    Marzis (de) Pasqualino  Six Solos for two violoncellos, compos'd by Sig.r Pasqualino De Marzis. Opera seconda. London, printed. for J. Johnson. - Di pag. 24, in fol. inc. in rame. 17..
2    Cirri Gio. Battista, da Forlì  Eight Duetts for two Violoncellos, dedicated to His most Serene Highness the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick Lunebourg etc. Compos'd by Gianbattista Cirri, teacher to his Royal Highess the Duke of Glou... 17..
3    Geminiani Francesco  Piéces de clavecin tirèes des differens Ouvrages de M.r F. Geminiani adaptèes par lui même a cet instrument. - Londres, Johnson, 1743. [The second collection of pieces for the harpsichord. Taken fro... 1762
Record trovati: 3
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